Name: Charles Brooke Pickard
DOB: 1949
Charles Brooke Pickard, aged 42, was last seen shortly before midday of the 26 April 1991 in Castelcove, Co Kerry in his English registered blue Ford Transit van. He lived closeby.
Brief Details of Crime:
On the 16 May 1991 his van was found burnt out in a forested area in the Shronaloughnane area, off the Waterville to Glencar Road, almost 20km from Waterville. Charles Brooke Pickard has never been found.
Request for Assistance:
Can you help the Gardai to solve this crime? If you have any information please contact the following or email the link below. Any information received will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Serious Crime Review Team
Email: NBCI.SCRT@garda.ie
Garda Confidential Line: 1800 666 111
Crimestoppers: 1800 250 025