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Garda HR Directorate

Garda Staff as on 31 March 2024
Head of legal Affairs (Director level post)1Chief Corporate Officer1General Operative10
Senior Solicitor0

Executive Director HR & People Development


Executive Director Finance

Legal Professional3

Chief Information Officer

1Charge Hand1
Chief Medical Officer1Executive Director Strategy and Transformation1Plumber1
Assistant Chief Medical Officer0Executive Director Legal & Compliance1Traffic Warden1
Occupational Health Physician1Director of IT1
Principal Psychologist1Director2
Head of Training and Development0Store Man5
Teacher14Principal Officer*29Store Officer1
Professional Accountant Grade 15Assistant Principal**88Groom2
Professional Accountant Grade II8Higher Executive Officer***204Catering Staff23
Professional Accountant Grade III0Administrative Officer17
Industrial sub-total
Forensic Accountant Grade II1
Digital Forensic Examiner2Executive Officer****841
Researcher3Clerical Officers1,969
Cartographer1Superintendent of Cleaners2
Examiner of Maps1Cleaners204
Telecoms Technician9Service Attendant44
Engineer Grade 10Seasonal Cleaner3
Engineer Grade 22Service Officer6
Technical Supervisor0Non-Industrial sub-total259
GRAND TOTAL AVAILABLE: 3,528 ( Whole-time equivalent 3,337.6)

* Includes 1 Head of Analysis Service 
** Includes 8 Deputy Head of Analysis Service
*** Includes 27 Senior Crime & Policing Analysts.
**** Includes 29 Crime & Policing Analysts

Figures provided are current as of the above date and ARE PROVISIONAL FIGURES AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

Garda numbers as on the 31 March 2024
Commissioner 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Deputy Commissioner 2 0 0 0 1 -1 1
Assistant Commissioner 8 0 0 0 0 0 8
Chief Superintendent 49 0 0 0 1 -1 48
Superintendent 168 0 0 0 0 0 168
Inspector 473 0 0 0 2 -2 471
Sergeant 2,172 0 0 0 7 -7 2,165
Garda 11,057 165 0 0 25 140 11,197
Total 13,930 165 0 0 36 129 14,059
Of which
Career Breaks (incl ICB*) 39
Work-Sharing** 42
Secondments (Overseas etc) 52
Maternity Leave 24
Unpaid Maternity Leave 19
Paternity Leave 17
Available Strength on 31/03/24 13,866

* ICB - Incentivised Career Break

**Equates to 84 full time members

Garda Staff as at 31 March 2024
Total WTE
Professional/Technical 58


Administrative 3,157 3,077.9
Industrial/Non-Industrial 313 202.1
TOTAL (whole-time equivalent)



# Figures provided are current as of the above dates and ARE PROVISIONAL FIGURES AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

Garda Numbers by Division as on 29 February 2024
Dublin Metropolitan Region (DMR) Divisions
                        Comm D/Com A/Com C/Supt Supt Insp Sergt Gda Total
DMR Office 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 2 11
EAST 0 0 0 1 4 12 45 281 343
NORTH 0 0 0 1 6 22 93 642 764
NORTH CENTRAL 0 0 0 1 5 17 96 532 651
SOUTH  0 0 0 1 4 18 71 442 536
SOUTH CENTRAL 0 0 0 1 6 24 91 565 687
DMR ROADS POLICING 0 0 0 1 1 2 9 75 88
WESTERN 0 0 0 1 6 21 87 592 707
TOTAL 0 0 1 8 34 117 496 3,248 3,787
Of which Detective total 0 0 0 0 9 16 70 396 487
Of which Uniform total 0 0 1 8 25 101 426 2,852 3,300
Divisions other than DMR as on 31 March 2024
Comm D/Comm A/Comm C/Supt Supt Insp Sergt Gda Total
CLARE/TIPPERARY 0 0 0 2 6 20 117 515 660
CORK CITY 0 0 1 1 6 18 110 532 668
CORK NORTH 0 0 0 0 3 9 48 263 323
CORK WEST 0 0 0 1 2 11 47 219 280
DONEGAL 0 0 0 1 3 9 59 348 420
GALWAY 0 0 1 1 6 24 94 472 598
KERRY 0 0 0 1 3 13 56 261 334
KILDARE 0 0 0 1 4 11 69 335 420
0 0 1 1 5 13 46 246 312
LAOIS/OFFALY 0 0 0 1 4 9 62 300 376
LIMERICK 0 0 0 1 5 19 87 454 566
LOUTH/CAVAN/MONAGHAN 0 0 0 2 7 23 108 571 711



0 0 0 1 7 22 108 447 585
MEATH/WESTMEATH 0 0 0 1 5 19 83 478 586
0 0 0 1 2 11 53 212 279
WATERFORD 0 0 0 1 3


52 283 351
WEXFORD 0 0 0 1 2 12 47 273 335
WICKLOW 0 0 0 0 3 8 39 239 289
TOTAL 0 0 3 18 76 263 1,285 6,448 8,093
Of which Detective total 0 0 0 0 15 36 163 732 946

Of which
Uniform total

0 0 3 18 61 227 1,122 5,716 7,147
Specialist Units (Includes HQ, Phoenix Park, HQ, Harcourt Square, Garda College, Vetting Bureau, Immigration Bureau etc) as on 31 March 2024
Comm D/Comm A/Comm C/Supt Supt Insp Sergt Gda Total
TOTAL 1 1 4 22 57 91 383 1,502 2,061
Of which Detective total 0 0 0 13 33 40 176 789 1,051
Of which Uniform total 1 1 4 9 24 51 207 713 1,010
Of which Detective total 2,488
Of which Uniform total


Garda Reserve Numbers by Station as of 31 March 2024

(A small number of Stations currently have no Garda member assigned to it, the service is provided to these stations by the Community / District Headquarters Station)

Legend: Comm = Commissioner, D/Comm = Deputy Commissioner, A/Comm = Assistant Commissioner, C/Supt = Chief Superintendent, Supt. = Superintendent, Insp. = Inspector, Sergt. = Sergeant, Gda = Garda.

Figures provided are current as of the above date and ARE PROVISIONAL FIGURES AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

The numbers provided above may vary based on current operational needs identified by local management.

Garda Staff as on 31 March 2024
Professional/Technical Administrative Industrial
Head of legal Affairs (Director level post) 1 Chief Corporate Officer 1 General Operative 10
Senior Solicitor 0

Executive Director HR & People Development

1 Electrician 0
Solicitor 0

Executive Director Finance

1 Carpenter 1
Legal Professional 3

Chief Information Officer

1 Charge Hand 1
Chief Medical Officer 1 Executive Director Strategy and Transformation 1 Plumber 1
Assistant Chief Medical Officer 0 Executive Director Legal & Compliance 1 Traffic Warden 1
Occupational Health Physician 1 Director of IT 1
Principal Psychologist 1 Director 2
Nurse 3 Driver 9
Head of Training and Development 0 Store Man 5
Teacher 14 Principal Officer* 29 Store Officer 1
Professional Accountant Grade 1 5 Assistant Principal** 88 Groom 2
Professional Accountant Grade II 8 Higher Executive Officer*** 204 Catering Staff 23
Professional Accountant Grade III 0 Administrative Officer 17
Industrial sub-total
Forensic Accountant Grade II 1
Digital Forensic Examiner 2 Executive Officer**** 841
Researcher 3 Clerical Officers 1,969
Photographer 2 Non-Industrial
Cartographer 1 Superintendent of Cleaners 2
Examiner of Maps 1 Cleaners 204
Telecoms Technician 9 Service Attendant 44
Engineer Grade 1 0 Seasonal Cleaner 3
Engineer Grade 2 2 Service Officer 6
Technical Supervisor 0 Non-Industrial sub-total 259
Sub-Total 58 3,157 313
GRAND TOTAL AVAILABLE: 3,528 ( Whole-time equivalent 3,337.6)

* Includes 1 Head of Analysis Service 
** Includes 8 Deputy Head of Analysis Service
*** Includes 27 Senior Crime & Policing Analysts.
**** Includes 29 Crime & Policing Analysts

Figures provided are current as of the above date and ARE PROVISIONAL FIGURES AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

Garda Strength by Gender as on 31 March 2024

Rank Strength Male Female
Commissioner 1 1 0
Deputy Commissioner 1 0 1
Assistant Commissioner 8 4 4
Chief Superintendent 48 37 11
Superintendent 168 141 27
Inspector 471 373 98
Sergeant 2,165 1,631 533
Garda 11,197 7,866 3,332
TOTAL 14,059 10,053 4,006
Of which   Male Female
Career Breaks (incl. ICB) 39 24 15
Work-sharing* 42 1.5


Secondments (Overseas etc.) 52 37 15
Maternity Leave 24 0 24
Unpaid Maternity Leave 19 0 19
Paternity Leave 17 17 0
Available Strength 31/03/24 13,866 9,973.5 3,892.5

*Equates to 84 Full-time members, 3 male, 81 female.

Figures provided are current as of the above date and ARE PROVISIONAL FIGURES AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE

Garda Staff by Gender as on the 31 March 2024

   Total WTE** Male Female
Professional / Technical 58 57.6 34 24
Administrative * 3,157 3,077.9 914


Industrial / Non-Industrial 313 202.1 98 215
Total 3,528 3,337.6 1,046


* Civil service grades and other administrative posts

** Whole time equivalent - Garda staff work on a number of different work-sharing patterns.

*** Work-sharing figure excludes Industrial & Non-Industrial staff. Many of these positions are part-time.

Garda Staff - Civil Service Grades
Grade Total WTE Male Female
CCO 1 1 0 1
Executive Director 4 4 1 3
CIO 1 1 1 0
Director 3 3 2 1
Principal Officer  29 29 16 13
Assistant Principal 88 88 39 49

Higher Executive Officer

204 202.8 77 127

Administrative Officer

17 17 9 8
Executive Officer 841 830.6


Clerical Officer 1,969


517 1,452
Total 3,157 3,077.9 914 2,243

Garda staff numbers by role - Gender Breakdown

The Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 (and related Regulations) provides a statutory basis for reporting on the gender pay gap in Ireland. There is a requirement for organisations with greater than 250 employees to identify a snapshot date in June to report on the hourly gender pay gap across a range of metrics and to ensure that this is published by end of December. 

The gender pay gap is the difference in average gross hourly pay of women when compared to men expressed as a percentage of men’s pay. Taking this approach enables organisations to understand if women are represented evenly across an organisation. The Gender pay gap should not be confused with equal pay which provides for assessment of pay for employees undertaking the same or similar roles or work of equal value. It is prohibited by Irish equality legislation to discriminate on the basis of pay because of gender.

An Garda Síochána Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

An Garda Síochána Gender Pay Gap Report 2023