Since its commencement on 29th April 2016 eVetting has been rolled out successfully to registered organisations and has surpassed all targets set for implementation of the system.
Currently 94% of monthly vetting receipts are processed on the ‘e’ platform. In addition, 81% of all registered organisations have transitioned to the ‘e’ platform. This figure is increasing monthly although it is accepted that there will always been a very small percentage of organisations who are unable to transition to eVetting for various reasons.
The National Vetting Bureau processed over 400,000 applications in 2016. Over 100,000 eVetting applications were completed in last quarter of 2016 alone. The National Vetting Bureau has a stated objective of completing 80% of all applications received on the eVetting system within 5 working days. In November 2016, 89% of eVetting applications were completed within the stated objective of 5 working days, thus surpassing this target.
The eVetting system is accessible from mobile and laptop. Since commencement it has been accessed from 154 countries around the world.
Gardaí would like to thank all organisations and members of the public for using this method of applying for vetting.