Gardaí enquiring into the discovery of a newborn baby girl in Rathcoole, Co. Dublin on Friday the 8th of May 2015 wish to renew their appeal.
It has been 12 days since the discovery of the baby and we wish to thank the public for their assistance. Gardaí have received a number of calls from the public and all these calls have been followed through on, but unfortunately the mother has not yet contacted Gardaí or Tusla.
Today an image of the baby is being made available to assist the appeal.
Sergeant Maeve O’ Sullivan, Child Protection Unit, Clondalkin, today said:
We are releasing this photograph so Mum can see her little baby girl and we would ask Mum to please contact us.”
An Garda Síochaná and Tusla continue to liaise closely and would request anyone with information to contact Clondalkin Garda Station on 01-6667600, or Tusla can be contacted on 01-6206387.
Gardaí are appealing for anyone who may have been on Steelstown Lane between 10am and 3pm on Fri 8th May to now contact Clondalkin Garda Station if not already done so.
We wish to acknowledge those who have already come forward with information.
Images are available on request from and here
Image 1 – Photograph of baby.

Image 2 - Sergeant Maeve O’ Sullivan, Child Protection Unit, Clondalkin and Rita Byrne, Principal Social worker, Tusla.

Items found with the baby

Note to Editors: There will be no further information available at this time and no spokes person will be made available for interview.
Garda Press Office.
Gardai in Clondalkin will make a renewed appeal at Clondalkin Garda Station today, the 15/5/15 at 3pm. Members of the media are invited to attend.
In addition Gardai will be canvassing the public at Steelstown Road, Rathcoole between 2pm and 4pm today to jog people’s memory in relation to the events of last Friday.
Garda Press Office
Gardaí wish to renew their appeal in relation to the discovery of a new-born baby girl on Steelstown Road, Rathcoole, County Dublin yesterday afternoon, Friday 8th May 2015 at approximately 3.30pm.
We are pleased to be able to report that the child is doing well and her condition is described as stable. The baby girl is being cared for in the hospital and An Garda Síochána are working closely with the HSE and Tusla.
Based on medical opinion the baby girl may have been born 24–36 hours prior to her discovery.
Superintendent Brendan Connolly, Clondalkin Garda station, reiterated that "Gardaí are concerned for the welfare of the mother of this child and are appealing for her to seek immediate medical treatment and to contact Gardaí who are anxious to reunite her with her baby. This mother has nothing to fear, we are here to help and the matter will be dealt with compassionately and sensitively.”
Sergeant Maeve O'Sullivan of the Child Protection Unit in Clondalkin and her staff are available at any time. Anyone, or indeed any family members or friends, wishing to speak with Sergeant O'Sullivan will be dealt with with the utmost discretion.
There are a number of items on display.
Agreen paper Marks and Spencers bag, a black plastic refuse and a fleece throw (Primark home), which were found with the baby. Somebody out there must recognise these items and we are appealing for anyone who can assist to contact Gardaí at Clondalkin on 01 6667600, or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station.