Gardai at Henry Street in Limerick are seeking the whereabouts of Mian Mujahid Ali Shahid (commonly known as Mian Shahid) following a request for assistance from the UK Police.
It is believed Mian, who is a 19 year old Pakistani national, travelled to Ireland from Scotland earlier this year. He had lived temporarily in Scotland. He was last seen in the Foynes areas of Limerick on the 11th of August 2015.
Mian Shahid was convicted (in his absence) at Stafford Crown Court on 13th April 2015 of two counts of sexual assault of a female (18 years of age). A warrant was issued for his arrest on 14th April 2015. On 20th May 2015 at the same Court he was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment for this offence, also in his absence.
Following the receipt of a European arrest warrant Gardai have carried out extensive enquires but have failed to establish his current whereabouts. Our enquiries would indicate that he is still in this jurisdiction. Gardai continue to liaise closely with Police Scotland and the Staffordshire Police in relation to this matter.
Gardai are making the following appeal:
• Mian Shahid to contact Gardai as he is subject to the reporting provisions of the Sex Offenders Act 2001 in Ireland.
• Driver of a car in which Mian Shahid was observed as a passenger travelling in the Foynes areas to contact Gardai.
• Anyone with information about the movement of Mian Shahid in Ireland and in particular his current whereabouts to contact Gardai.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Henry Street Gardai station on 061 212400 or the Garda confidential line 1800 666 111
Images of Mian Shahid are available on request by email from
No further information or spokesperson will be made available at this time.