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Burglary at a house on the Ballincurra Road, Limerick on the 21/5/14

Burglary Ballincurra Road

On the 21st of May 2014, a burglary occurred at a house on the Ballincurra Road, Limerick.  The injured party, who was bed bound, was alerted to the presence of an intruder in the house and barricaded himself into his bedroom.  The intruder attempted to gain access to the bedroom, but was unable to.  He made threats to the occupant and demanded money. 

The intruder was disturbed by the arrival of another resident who encountered him in the hallway.  The intruder made good his escape via the back door, was chased, picked up a shovel and swung it at the witness, however, left empty handed.  Pulse Incident No. 10905011 refers.

The above CD Fit was generated by the witness who also described the intruder as 19-21 years old, 5ft, 9ins in height, wiry slim build with neat brown hair, and a gap in his front teeth (slightly bucked).  He was wearing a white and red tartan shirt, grey coloured jacket and blue/grey jeans.