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Fatal Assault Wilton, Cork. 14th July, 2023.

Issue Date: 15th July 2023

Gardaí in Cork are investigating a fatal assault in relation to the discovery of the body of a woman at a residence in ‎Wilton, Cork on the night of Friday 14th July, 2023 at approximately 10.10p.m.

Gardaí and emergency services attended the residence where the woman, (aged in her late 30s) was pronounced dead at the scene.

The body remains at the scene which is currently preserved and a technical examination is due to take place this morning, Saturday 15th July, 2023.

The State Pathologist has been notified and a post mortem will be conducted in due course. 

A Family Liaison Officer has been appointed.

A man, aged in his early 40s, was arrested at the scene and is currently detained under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984 at a Garda station in Cork City centre.

Investigations ongoing.

No Garda spokesperson is available at this time.