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Firearm Seized and Two Arrests, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, 9th August 2023

Issue Date: 9th August 2023

As part of the ongoing investigation into organised criminal activity in Mullingar, Gardaí have arrested two men and seized a firearm on Wednesday, 9th August 2023.

A plain clothes Garda Patrol, attached to Mullingar Garda Station, directed a car of interest to stop.  The car failed to stop for Gardaí for a period of time.  When the car eventually stopped a male occupant fled the vehicle.  This male (30s) was chased and apprehended by Gardaí and arrested.  A bag which had been discarded during the foot chase was recovered by Gardaí and a firearm and ammunition were seized.

Subsequently a second occupant of the vehicle, a male (50s) was arrested and both men were taken to a Garda Station in Co. Westmeath where they are currently detained under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act, 1939.

A number of follow up searches were conducted at residential premises in the Mullingar area and a number of items of evidence were also seized.

Investigations are ongoing.